Allergic Illness - Non-Coventional Assessment Tools

Food IgG Screen
Food intolerance is often associated with a wide range of symptoms and many chronic conditions. These symptoms can include respiratory or gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, headaches or dermatological problems such as eczema. The symptoms are often delayed and can appear up to three days after eating the offending food, making it very difficult to diagnose. Intolerances have been shown to be linked to IgG antibodies produced by the immune system when certain foods are eaten. Modifying the diet based on the identification of food sensitivities is associated with significant and rapid improvement in the symptoms for about 75% of those tested.
For more information on Food IgG testing click here.
To view a sample test report click here.
Comprehensive Stool Analysis
This test is a non-invasive diagnostic assessment objectively evaluates the status of beneficial and imbalanced commensal bacteria including Clostridium species, pathogenic bacteria and yeast/fungus in the stool.
The ability to identify the imbalance in specific microflora in the bowels can allow greater direction in conventional or natural therapeutic recommendations, as often times, this disturbance in the microflora or shift in the microbiome of individuals can contribute to the hyper-reactive response seen in allergy, or improper response to self in the case of autoimmune conditions.
For more information on Comprehensive Stool Analysis click here.
To view a sample test report click here.
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