New Patient: General Naturopathic Visit

There are several new patient visits available for patients interested in receiving general naturopathic care at the Marsden Centre . In order to book any new patient visit at the Marsden Centre  you will need to contact reception who will schedule your first appointment with one of our providers. Find the new patient visit types available for general naturopathic practice:

Standard Naturopathic New Patient Visit

In this visit your provider will complete a full medical history reviewing any current health problems, allergies, medications, family history, etc.  Patients will be expected to complete functional terrain assessments  that give your provider information on common degenerative trends that may underly some of your current health issues.  They will also complete a physical examination and may recommend further laboratory assessments if required to complete a proper assessment of your case in order to formulate a successful treatment plan.

What to do before your standard naturopathic new patient visit:

  • Fill in a comprehensive health assessment questionnaire that addresses all aspects of your health and environmental exposure history. It may take 1 or more hours to do this. In addition, you will be expected to provide a minimum of a 4 day diet diary.  To download a copy of this form click here.
  • Patients undergoing functional terrain assessment will be required to fast for 10 hours prior to their visit and must take nothing by mouth (including water and toothbrush) for at least 4 hours prior to your visit. For more details on testing preparation click here.

What you should bring to your first Standard Naturopathic New Patient Visit:

  • Samples required for functional terrain assessment (click here for a tesitng instruction sheet)
  • Blood tests and/or imaging reports performed recently by your conventional family doctor or specialist
  • Completed administrative forms (click here to download)
  • A snack to eat after your assessments are completed since you will be required to fast for this visit

When you come for your visit you will sign in at reception.  Your provider or a clinic resident will perform you functional terrain assessments which will include a blood draw.  You will then will meet with your provider who will complete your intake and then formulate a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs and history.  Treatments will include dietary modifications, lifestyle counselling, supplementation, etc.


Single Complaint or Acute Naturopathic New Patient Visit

This type of new patient visit is meant for patients who are not interested in, or do not have time for, a comprehensive initial assessment.  This appointment is shorter, and leaves only enough time to review your main complaint and a brief history.  It would include a complaint oriented physical and lasts approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.  It also requires that you have a family medical doctor who is managing your complete healthcare needs or that you will return for a full review of your health history at a later date.

Examples of reasons for this type of visit include:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections or colds and flus
  • Recent injury like a sprain or strain
  • Seasonal allergies
  • etc.

If you are not sure whether your specific health complain can be dealt with in an acute new patient visit please contact us.


What to do before your single complaint or acute new patient visit at the Marsden Centre:

  • Fill in the basic adult intake form which will ask you to provide details about your health issue along with other important aspects of your health history. To download a copy of this form click here.

What you should bring to your first acute new patient visit at  the Marsden Centre: